Sol Brush was created by a mom and dad duo who were tired of the hassle of traditional sunscreen products... a hassle for themselves AND their children. Application—let alone re-application—was always a gooey, sticky chore, and their kiddos would rarely hold still for long enough to get an adequate lathering of traditional, cold, slimy liquid sunscreen.
They eventually stumbled across powdered sunscreen, and loved its ease and convenience; however, they didn't like the small, cheap-feeling sunscreen powder brushes that took forever to apply.
Then Sol Brush was born: an easy, full-body powder sunscreen brush that makes sunscreen simple for the whole family, allowing families to make memories without the stinging sunscreen tears and tantrums in the sand.
Sol Brush is changing the game for families everywhere. Say goodbye to the stress of trying to get sunscreen on the kids, worrying about harsh chemicals, or trying to cover your whole body properly with a tiny face brush... and say hello to more fun in the sun. Now, you can enjoy stress-free sun prep without sacrificing your peace of mind. With Sol brush, outdoor family fun has never been easier.